Private Vs. Pυblic: BTS Jυпgkook’s Trυe Persoпality Behiпd Closed Doors

Golden Maknae, indeed!

BTS‘s maknae Jungkook certainly makes an impression on everyone who sees him or watches him perform.


As it turns out, the star has made an impression on many professionals and others behind closed doors, leaving them with nothing but compliments for the idol.

Here are four times others have revealed aspects of Jungkook’s personality.

Back in 2020, a Korean Youtuber named YAN was able to meet Jungkook and gushed over the BTS member. In the caption of the photo he shared, he referred to the idol as “the most modest world-class” star.

BTS’s Jungkook. I feel like he’s one of the most modest world-class stars in the world…


2. Anonymous Staff Member

In a viral post, an alleged staff member who came in contact with Jungkook has nothing but positive things to say about the artist.

BTS’s Jungkook-nim is really the most curious person ever. He keeps asking, ‘What’s this?’ and ‘What’s that?’ and gets easily fascinated by the explanation. And he was really good at listening to our suggestions.

— Staff Member

He also said that the artist had a very easy-going personality and wasn’t “difficult” at all, including a detail about Jungkook signing more papers than necessary, allowing the staff to share them.

3. Idol Star Athletics Championships

During the 2017 Idol Star Athletics Championships, Jungkook was spotted picking up trash alongside a staff member.

The staff member later thanked Jungkook for his kindness, complimenting his personaliy in a post on social media!

I saw BTS’s Jungkook in a new light. Other idols would leave their trash after eating and drinking on the floor, but Jungkook helped me out when I was going around with a trash bag picking up garbage. He’s got a great personality.

ISAC Staff

4. “Dreamers” Staff

In November 2022, Jungkook performed “Dreamers” during the World Cup opening ceremony, but left many impressed before the ceremony due to his actions while filming the track’s music video!


Digital creator Ameera, who is also an ARMY, shared her experience, mentioning Jungkook’s amazing work ethic and how he treated the dancers!

He is such a performer! Watching him dance live was a dream come true. He’s hardworking and wants to get it right every time.

When all the dancers were leaving, he stood and waved until they left.

— Ameera

| @ameeracreates_/Instagram

It seems like Jungkook impresses everyone he meets!


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