Promisiпg Start: Americaп Iпfaпt’s ‘Batmaп’ Birthmark Treatmeпt Shows Sυccess iп Rυssia

Luna’s mother, Carol, 35, began looking for a doctor who could help after being warned that the condition increased Luna’s risk of melanoma skin cancer. Congenital melanocytic naevus, a skin disorder that causes odd dark spots, typically on the face, was present at birth in the 7-month-body. old’s Florida native Luna Fenner traveled across the globe to provide a ground-breaking procedure that is now unavailable in the country. Carol, Luna’s 35-year-old mother, was informed that the condition increased Luna’s risk of developing melanoma skin cancer and she started looking for a physician who could help.


When US medical professionals informed her that Luna might require up to 100 laser procedures within five years, she was nearly crushed and had given up hope. After reading about Luna in a local newspaper, Dr. Pavel Popov then went on to advise her to undergo up to 8 procedures in Krasnodar over the course of 18 months.

The first procedure went well, according to Andrei Aleksutkin, CEO of the Krasnodar laser and photodynamic clinic. The area of the naevus that was on the child’s forehead was treated. When Luna’s next activity is scheduled to occur is unknown.

God bless her, she’s doing great. No need for painkillers.

A facial injection of an unknown medication is used to treat the birthmark’s rough tissue-causing accumulation. The skin creates a crust, but beneath it, healthy skin appears. Additionally, birthmarks can have their pigmentation reduced and their edges softened using laser treatment.


Each surgery costs $25,000 (£19,977), which the family is fundraising on the internet. In September, Luna made headlines when surgeon and oncologist Dr Popov offered a less invasive and cheaper treatment in the US.

Additionally, there are plans to have them carried out in various medical facilities in the US. They are supposed to begin as the girl matures. And you have to pay an absurd sum for everything. Doctors willfully suggest a course of treatment that does not adhere to any of the tenets of American insurance medicine.

Ms. Fenner, married to Thiago Tavares, 32, is extremely worried about the surgery for her baby born on March 7. She said before flying to Russia: ‘I haven’t stopped to think about it yet. I thought maybe I would freak out when we got on the plane.

We had a hard time raising money. We still have a long way to go. But that’s not why we give up. Many malicious people always say our children are monsters, I want this to end soon. And not wanting to affect her daughter’s life later, this also led her to find a surgeon.

In addition to those malicious insults, I also received a lot of encouragement and people telling me that Luna was beautiful. When people say she looks like the superhero Batman or a butterfly makes me very happy.” Currently, Luna is recovering with a bandage on her forehead. After the surgery, she quickly returned to normal.


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