The mother of five childreп shared precioυs photos of her childreп

Do you believe you’ve got a lot on your plate? Keep Kim Tucci in your thoughts, as she gave birth to quintuplets in January. Kim and her husband Vaughn already had two young girls from a previous marriage, as well as a nine-year-old boy. If my calculations are correct, that is a total of 8 children!

She found out she had not one, but five more babies on the way, she was certainly surprised. After all, by some accounts, the odds of conceiving quintuplets naturally is 1 in 60 million!

Kim Tucci, 26, an Australian from Perth, carried on a truly extraordinary pregnancy, giving birth to five twins. There are four girls and a boy: Ali, Penelope, Tiffany, Beatrix, and Keith. Of course, it is difficult to recognize them, so small and so similar.

At first, Kim was told she should consider a selective birth and choose two babies so that they would have the greatest possible chance of survival. “I watched a YouTube video on the procedure and I cried, I could never do that,” she wrote in a Facebook post. “Was I selfish for not giving two the chance of 100% survival? All I know is that I already love them, and with every heartbeat, I hear, I connect with them more.”

Kim and her husband, Vaughn, welcomed four girls and one boy into the world on January 28, 2016, through C-section, exactly two minutes apart after a long and tough pregnancy.

We would like to say a big thank you to Dr. Jan Dickinson for looking after me and the babies with such love and care,” wrote Kim on her Facebook page, Surprised by Five. “I was very lucky to have an amazing medical team supporting me. Thank you for giving me an exceptional birth.”

Tiffany, Penelope, Beatrix, Allie, and Keith, finally came home on April 7, 2016.

nyone who’s ever raised a child can imagine how having five infants to care for at once has its ups and downs. According to Kim, each baby already has his or her own unique personality. She describes Allie, for example, as the ring leader. “She has the loudest cry and will make sure she is heard,” wrote Kim. Meanwhile, Tiffany is very quiet and Keith just wants to be cuddled.

The photos are so, so precious! Can you imagine trying to take a photo of all of them looking at the camera at the same time?

Of course now for Kim and his partner there is a lot to do. The five siblings were also waiting at home for the elder brothers, a 9-year-old boy, and two others under the age of 5. Parents must change 350 diapers a week and feed their babies 8 times a day. But for them, this is the happiest time.

Kim and the father of the little ones asked for help and on Go Fund Me a subscription was opened for the couple to take a 9-seat car. While the Facebook page of Kim, Surprised with five, where I post photos of her children, has already exceeded 250,000 fans.

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