Taehyung Reminisces About Yeontan in Live Session

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a heartwarming moment that Taehyung, a member of BTS, recently mentioned during a live session. For those who might not know, Taehyung has an adorable Pomeranian named Yeontan, also lovingly known as Tannie. Yeontan has become something of a celebrity himself, with fans swooning over his cute antics and appearances in Taehyung’s posts.

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During the live session, Taehyung opened up about missing Yeontan while he’s away from home. He shared that he’s been feeling a bit nostalgic, especially since he can’t bring Yeontan along with him to Spain. However, Taehyung found a sweet solution to ease his yearning for his furry friend.

In his quest to find a companion that reminds him of Yeontan, Taehyung stumbled upon another Pomeranian who closely resembles his beloved Tannie. This new doggo is quite the look-alike, with similar features and the same endearing charm. Taehyung couldn’t help but notice how much the new pup reminded him of Yeontan, even though it wasn’t actually him.

It’s heartwarming to see the special bond that Taehyung shares with his pets, and how he manages to find ways to keep their memories alive even when they can’t be physically present. The story of Taehyung seeking out a dog that resembles Yeontan just goes to show the depth of his affection for his furry companions. It’s evident that these pets hold a special place in his heart, and his fans appreciate his dedication to them.

So, while Taehyung might not be able to bring Yeontan all the way to Spain, he’s found a way to fill the void by embracing a new four-legged friend who reminds him of his beloved Tannie. It’s these moments that remind us that even celebrities like Taehyung find solace and joy in the company of their pets, no matter where they are in the world.

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