A Parking Lot Delivery: Mother Gives Birth Unexpectedly and Baby is Born on the Spot

This is the incredible moment a woman gave birth while standing in the car park. Obviously didn’t make it into the hospital and had to give birth in the car park. Those moments when the baby is in a hurry to be born.

Your body does what it does. Doesn’t care where you are or what you’re doing. It will not wait until the perfect time or care about policies.

“I shouted to my husband, who was in the car, waiting for us to get in: “Love, come here, run!” My biggest fear was that he wouldn’t witness the moment our son was born. He stayed behind me, holding me, while I pushed and Amanda held the baby. Roberta was close by too, but she had moved a little to the side so that my husband could stay with me, with us. In three pushes, our son was born.”


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