The teacher’s experience when delivering the baby outside the school right on the sidewalk

Despite being the delighted mother of a ʙᴀʙʏ girl, a sixth-grade teacher from Denver, Colorado, finds that her birth experience was completely unimaginable. Before her daughter arrives later this month, English teacher Lindsay Agbalokwu of DSST: Green Conservatory in Stapleton believes she has a little more time. But when her young daughter decided to show up early on Friday when her teacher unexpectedly gave birth on the sidewalk outside her school, she was in for a truly Uɴɪqᴜᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇ.

Agbalokwu first missed the labour due to Braxton Hicks’s contractions, but according to Denver 7, she has till September 17. She was mistaken, it turned out. Agbalokwu carried on with his routine, even presenting prizes before a gathering of students. She then realized she had underestimated her own suffering. She returned to her classroom after the ceremony, where things “move from 0 to 100,”

Suddenly, there was so much pressure and discomfort that I thought she was about to arrive. I believe we should just dial 911.Principal Natalie Lewis and Dean of Students Chris Earls were subsequently informed by co-teacher Marissa Kast, and they hurried to assist Agbalokwu in leaving the school. But it wasn’t until then that the expectant mother realized she was actually in labour; by this point, Agbalokwu’s labour had advanced so swiftly that she could hardly move.

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