The Waldrop Sextυplets Pose With Brothers Iп The First Family Photo Shoot

29-year-old Polish mother gives birth to sextuplets in the country’s first-ever case.

The Waldrop sextuplets are Alabama’s first newborns since 2011. Huntsville Hospital’s personnel had to assemble equipment, prepare the blood bank, and practice the 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 with mock drills. A group of 40 individuals from various departments awaited the code six alert, which was named after the six newborns. Each infant has its own crew and a different color scheme.

They used the ROY G. BIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) color order of the rainbow. Each baby was assigned a color according to the order they were born.

When it came to naming the babies, Courtney says it was important to give the babies names that were as unique and special as they are. The three boys are named, Blu, Layke, and Tag, and the three girls, Rawlings, Rayne, and Rivers,

Since the Waldrop family welcomed sextuplets, it’s been a road of milestones, fears, and blessings, and they’ve decided to give back to say “thank you” to everyone who has helped them along the way.

Courtney Waldrop added.  Now their house is full of the sound of nine little blessings.

Outside the Waldrops’ Albertville home, things haven’t changed much since we visited last year. There’s a whole other narrative inside.

Every piece of baby equipment, from bouncers and bottles to changing tables and car seats, is neatly organized around the house.


“Nine kids and six babies, it is definitely a challenge finding time for anything other than taking care of our kids,” Courtney Waldrop said. “The babies sleep all through the night,” her husband, Eric, added. “The good Lord knew He had to give us good sleepers or we just wouldn’t survive,” Courtney said with a laugh.

They’ve discovered a new way of life. “They’re the best babies, the best infants,” Courtney remarked, adding that there are six of them.

Tag, Rayne, Blu, Rawlings, Layke, and Rivers, as well as their brothers Saylor, Bridge, and Wales, keep things interesting.

People from all across the world have offered assistance since then, even before the babies were born. Courtney stated, “We wouldn’t be here right now without all of the love, support, and prayers.”

“So many prayers had gone into Courtney and these beautiful babies,” said Sargent. “So much uncertainty and anxiousness… so to see them in my arms and the babies perfectly healthy is just proof that God is good.”

They’ve been through every emotion you can imagine, but with their community behind them and their faith in front of them, they’re ready to take it on.

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