These pictures of babies with faces that look like old people


While it might baffle you to look at a tiny person who seems to be in the late 60s, you have to agree that it is also pretty hilarious and adorable. If you’ve ever wondered why there are many babies that look like they’ve already entered their senior years, Garrett R. Griffin can offer a very logical answer. He says that babies, as well as seniors, have too much skin for the bone structure underneath. This means that all that excess skin lies with no bone to attach to and that’s how wrinkles appear. Fortunately, these wrinkles are temporary. Here, have a look at some of these babies who appear to be way too old and serious for their age:

  1. These Other Babies Have It Too Easy!

This grumpy, old baby is probably wondering about how the other kids have gotten it too easy. Now they don’t have to face the cons of being born the previous week itself.

  1. What Has This World Come To?

Like a typical old chap, he is gazing into the distance and pondering about something important. Perhaps, he is wondering as to what the world has come to.

  1. Too Young For Hair Fall?

Hairline receding is an issue that is reserved for the oldies, isn’t it? But, kids can go through a bad spell too. So, what do you do in such a situation? Rock the baldie look, of course! Much like this rockstar here!

  1. Disappointed In You, Kid

This “disappointed in you” look from your old man would have given you chills throughout your childhood. So, as soon as you grow up, you are relieved as the frequency goes d.own. But, history repeats itself when your kid gives you the exact same look. And, the feeling of guilt is even worse!

  1. The Quintessential Angry, Young Man

If he wants something, he means it! This angry, young man has taken the entire social media by storm with just one look. And, quite adorable he is, isn’t it?

  1. Too Bored To Do This!

Ice creams? Candies? Chocolates? Nah! This kid here knows that the world has something more interesting to offer. And, I am already bored of all the childish stuff!

  1. Already A Pro

The proud parents are happy to announce that their lovely daughter has already perfected the “that is my driveway you are parking in” look! All of us know how important this life skill is, so kudos to this super girl!

  1. Ready To Retire Now

This man has seen it all. And, he is happy and content in life now. So, of course, the next obvious thing for him to do is to retire, isn’t it?

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