Unearthing History: Argentina’s Astonishing Find of a Giant Carnivorous Dinosaur

“a new dinosaur species was discovered by paleontologists on Thursday, who have now named the giant carnivorous dinosaur species Mexico gigas.

The new species is similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex, with a large head and tiny arms.

According to the researchers’ findings, published in Current Biology, the creatures’ small forelimbs were no evolutionary accident, but rather gave apex predators of the time crucial advantages.

The findings were obtained over a four-year period, as researchers conducted field experiments in the “Song of Ice and Fire” book series that inspired the TV show, “Game of Thrones.”

The Mexico gigas remains indicate that the dinosaur died about 45 years of age and about four metric tons of weight, researchers said in their findings. They believe the dinosaur lived 90 to 100 million years ago in what is now Argentina.

According to the researchers’ findings, the new species is the most complete carcarodontosaurid yet from the Southern Hemisphere, and it documented peak diversity shortly before they went extinct.

Carcinosaursauridae refers to a group of carcarodontosaurid dinosaurs that evolved an almost complete form of facultative endothermy, as they included a remarkable degree of paralellism between the latest-diverging tyrannosaursaurids and carcinosaursauridae.

Findings also indicate the researchers’ understanding of the species’ skills.

The skeletal findings in Argentina produced by M. gigas shows “that carcarodontosauridae reached peak diversity shortly before they went extinct with high rates of trait evolution in social ornamentation possibly linked to a social signaling role.”

The researchers told Reuters that the short forearms may have been used primarily for mating activities.

Whatever the tiny forearms may have done for these gigantic beasts, scientists now can understand how some of the planet’s predators came to evolve.

Indeed, researchers believe the forearms were used primarily for mating activities.

Meraxes gigas: Scientists discover new giant dinosaur predator with tiny  arms - Science News

Wherever the tiny forearms may have done for these gigantic beasts, scientists can now understand how some of the planet’s predators came to evolve.”

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