Uпexpected Mystery: Exploriпg the Uпcharted Territory of Lettiпg Yoυr Child Play Aloпe with a Pet

Unexpected mystery: What will happen if you let your child play alone with a pet.The baby and your pet are a tandem of incredible crushing power.

To be honest, you shouldn’t leave your children alone. In mere minutes, without looking around, they are capable of organizing a local mini-anocalysis, which can give an unprepared viewer a heart attack. And if their peers help them in this… Surely now the parents of the tomboys shuddered.

Not only the interior, the products in the kitchen, or the mother’s cosmetics can suffer from manifestations of children’s creativity. Pets inevitably come under attack. After all, they are usually very loyal to the antics of their little masters and meekly tolerate any of their outrages towards themselves.

By the way, they wouldn’t tolerate such antics from adults. If you’re trying to dress your cat up in a doll’s dress, she’ll probably end up with a few dozen scratches. And if the baby does the same thing, the cat will get tired of it.

And even the formidable fighting dog will not mind if the baby decides to turn him into a fairy ( read also : Their tics are amazing: 40 photos of cats who can masterfully make faces ).

Children use dogs as living canvases, cats as models for aspiring makeup artists, dressing them up and playing with them like dolls. And they are not against it. On the contrary, sometimes they even join in the process of destroying the kitchen or playing tug of war.

Sometimes it even looks cute. At least until children begin to imitate their playmates: drinking milk from the floor or eating from a dog bowl. Although this is also scary – if you don’t show it to your mother ( read also : Cats have mastered human professions: 20 photos that will make everyone laugh to tears ).

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