What If the Earth Collided With Another Planet? – Brace for Impact!

What If the Earth Collided With Another Planet?

Brace yourself for a mind-blowing adventure as we explore the catastrophic consequences of a rogue planet smashing into Earth. In this thrilling What If scenario, we delve into the terrifying events that would take place if another planet collided with our precious home.

Picture the scene: an unknown object appears in the sky a few weeks before the collision. As it gradually grows bigger, it becomes clear that something catastrophic is about to happen. But don’t be fooled by the slow pace – this is a disaster waiting to unfold. The rogue planet would hurtle towards us at an astonishing 11 kilometers per second, unleashing a wave of destruction in its wake.

As the alien planet enters the moon’s orbit, the gravity pull would cause the tides on Earth to swell to eight times their current size, unleashing devastating floods and mega-tsunamis. And that’s just the beginning. In the 28 hours leading up to the collision, the speed of the incoming planet would reach a staggering 60 kilometers per second, unleashing lightning storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes so powerful that they wouldn’t even register on the category scale.


If you hadn’t already evacuated the planet aboard a spaceship, your time would be running out fast. Three minutes before impact, the rogue planet would enter Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a series of catastrophic events. Lightning, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, and volcanoes would ravage the planet, decimating everything in their path. Nano seconds before the collision, the atmospheres of both planets would compress and glow brightly, unleashing an inferno that would instantly vaporize everything in its path. The ground would become scorching magma, and the collision would cause friction between the two planets, sending millions of tons of superheated rock hurtling in all directions.

But the devastation wouldn’t end there. The impact would cause the Earth to collapse in on itself, marking the end of an era. Those lucky enough to have evacuated in time would bear witness to the remnants of both planets being catapulted into different orbits, forming a new asteroid belt encircling the sun. And, as they looked back at the shattered remains of their once-beautiful home, they would realize that all trace of intelligent life had been wiped from the planet forever.

But fear not! The chances of this happening are incredibly slim, and the likelihood of a rogue planet colliding with Earth is almost non-existent.

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