White Holes: The Missing Link in Dark Matter


Our universe is made up of building blocks that are in constant conflict with each other in nature. This provides balance to the universe to work with negatively charged electrons. We have positively charged positrons, and matter in the universe is balanced with dark matter and antimatter. In June, we discovered white holes, which could be the missing link in dark matter.

In the 14th order of magnitude, an abnormally long gamma-ray burst in deep space changed everything we know about the most powerful source of energy in the universe. Then, two scientists made a very bold claim in a video today, which might bring you the first real evidence of the existence of white holes.

Before we start understanding the extremely strange concept of white holes, we must refresh our memories about what black holes really are. The gravitational monsters called black holes are collapsed stars that act like vacuum cleaners for the universe. It literally means that they will suck up anything and everything relentlessly if the thing is close enough.

While black holes are known for devouring matter and light, white holes are their complete opposite. White holes are theoretical objects that are the opposite of black holes, and they are predicted to emit everything they consume. In simple terms, if black holes suck in everything, white holes emit everything outwards.

The existence of white holes has long been debated in scientific circles, but the lack of observational evidence has made it a difficult topic to study. However, recent developments in astrophysics have provided new insights into the possible existence of white holes.

If white holes exist, they could be the secret ingredient in dark matter. The universe’s dark matter is invisible, and it has been a mystery for a long time. Scientists believe that the universe’s gravity is stronger than the visible matter that we can see. They theorize that this extra gravity could be explained by the presence of unseen dark matter.

White holes could potentially solve the mystery of dark matter. They could be a source of the extra gravity that scientists have been searching for. By emitting everything they consume, white holes could be the explanation for the unseen dark matter in the universe.

In conclusion, the discovery of white holes could be a game-changer for our understanding of the universe. The potential implications of their existence are enormous, and it could unlock many secrets that we have yet to discover. We look forward to learning more about white holes and their connection to dark matter in the coming years.

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